Get help for any health problem

If you don’t have an emergency but you have a medical problem and you’re not sure what to do, you can call the practice on 0207 627 7100 within opening hours, visit NHS 111 or dial 111 at any time.

You will have a response within 1 working day. If your query is about medication or an administrative request, please use one of the forms below:

Get help for any health problem

About the health problem

If you're not sure, it's helpful to tell us whether it's been days, weeks, months or years.
If you think it may be helpful, please attach a photo of your condition e.g. a skin issue. Please do not send images of intimate parts of the body, we will arrange a face to face appointment if required.
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB
How would you like us to deal with the problem? *
If we need to arrange an appointment, the practice will contact you with your appointment time and whether it is a face to face or phone appointment. *
Terms & Conditions *